Lake City Community Park opened in the spring of 2018. The new park features an 12-acre lake with a boardwalk, five fishing piers, canoe/kayak launch, shaded gazebo, a picnic shelter with a wood-burning fireplace and restrooms. Grills and picnic tables can be found throughout the park. Visitors enjoy strolling the boardwalk and walking trail, with magnificent views of trees and flowers, wildlife, and the lake itself! The picnicshelter & gazebo are available for rental! Call Florence County Parks & Recreation to book reservations at (843) 667-0920 or reserve online at www.florenceco.org.

- Picnic Shelter: $75/4 hours, additional hours $20/hour
- Gazebo: $75/4 hours, additional hours $20/hour
- Picnic Shelter AND Gazebo: $120/4 hours, additional hours $20/hour