Allow our very own Brent Lambdin to introduce you to mushrooms of the Southeastern United States. This two-hour introductory course will cover the basics of the mushroom life cycles, ecology, and it will familiarize you with a variety of mushrooms that can be found in this region and in Moore Farms Botanical Garden specifically. The class will end with a mushroom walk (conditions permitting) to allow for hands-on experience with the species introduced in class.
Disclaimer: This class is not intended to educate you on foraging, eating, or handling wild mushrooms. This course is intended to educate you on the mushroom species that can be found in North America, primarily the Southeastern United States. Moore Farms Botanical Garden is not Responsible for any sickness, injury, or death that could occur to you or your loved ones due to the mishandling of mushrooms. Do not consume any mushroom without proper training on identification techniques, or the help of a professional such as a licensed forager or mycologist. For more information on mushroom safety and poisoning please contact the North American Mycological Society at